Neat Chore Site
Here is a neat site that offers an ebook with daily chores listed to clean your house. They also offer one with daily bible readings. I downloaded it for $4 and am using it. It is wonderful! One of the lovely ladies from Momys shared the site with me.
I have had many different chore methods and I never stick with any of them. I was giving this some thought and I realized that basically I don't trust any of them to work. So I am giving this a try. I have tried flylady and I like her principles, but I can't seem to get my mind to work her system without feeling overwhelmed. The ebook consists of weekly printable sheets that are checklist with daily and weekly chores. I am not using them that way. I am doing Weight Watchers, so I have designed a small pocket journal that I print out to keep my points listed on. I went ahead and added my daily chores and lines for a to do list onto my journal. So what I do is just write in the extra daily chores that it gives me. I am also adding in a small declutter job each day. I am fighting the doubt that keeps creeping in and just doing the best I can. And really Flylady is right that housework done imperfectly still blesses my family. My goal is to have my home in order by Christmas (or before Christmas) but I want to work slow and steady.
These past few days have been busy, busy, busy. I haven't had to think let alone blog. But hopefully things will slow down soon. I have started crocheting some tiny teddy bears for Christmas. I will post pictures as soon as I get a few done. I also would like to crochet some snowmen, but I haven't found a pattern yet. I just love snowmen they always make me smile. I have the grand idea of also crocheting the girls some ponchos, but we'll see. If you are interested in crocheting patterns here is a site with a lot of really nice free ones. I plan on printing them out in pdf format and compiling them in a binder when I get time. Well, I had better get started on my chores or the best of plans will fail.
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