Becoming a Titus 2 Woman

Then they can train the younger women to love their husbands and children, to be self-controlled and pure, to be busy at home, to be kind, and to be subject to their husbands, so that no one will malign the word of God. Titus 2:4,5

Sunday, July 31, 2005

A Lesson For My Son

Yesterday, I went into town to go shopping. I did the non-perishable shopping for my little girl's upcoming birthday, visited a short while at my sister's house and was on to Costco. The day was going good, and my shopping buddy for the day, Moses, and I were having a good time. When I arrived at Costco music came from my purse, I dug out my phone and my sweet husband is on the other end asking if I am almost finished and ready to come home. No, I tell him I have 2 other stores after Costco. I sweetly ask why? He tells me Elijah cut his finger. I say how bad and how? It turns out that Elijah cut his finger on my battery powered garden shears. Now I would never let my son use my garden shears, but husbands do not think like moms, so he was using them.

I hurried home to see it I could glue it together myself, which I have become pretty good at. It saves the trauma of having to go to the hospital for the little guys. I get home and take a look, it is a mess. I clean it up again to get a better look, and look at it. My poor son is crying and in great pain. After having looked, I realize that no, I won't be able to fix it, we need to go to the hospital. My son is freaking out, he is panicking and doesn't want to go. We calm him down and he and I head out. We get to the hospital and the doctor looks at it and says exactly what I thought, "I was hoping that I could just glue it, but it needs to be stitched". Confirmation for my Mommy Instincts! My son hears this and begins to cry, he is so afraid poor guy. We calm him down and the doctor goes and gathers all the needed materials. The doctor gives him two shots that took a couple minutes each to numb his finger, and my son was a trooper, he didn't move or cry. After that he begins cleaning and stitching for about half an hour. My son didn't cry or move, he was so brave. Afterwards, when we were waiting to be released, we were talking. He told me that he accidentally raised the blades up when he had taken his finger off the butten and the blades were stopping. We had the oppurtunity to talk about what would have happened if his finger had still been pressing the button, about how his finger would have been cut off, and what a wonderful God we have that He timed things out to prevent that from happening. It was a wonderful time for him to see God's hand in his life tangibly.

So, even though the day wasn't what I would have liked, my son was blessed to see how God cares for him. He was so thankful to God, and so was I, it could have been so much worse. God truly does work out all things for His purpose and glory!


At 6:41 PM, Blogger Christina said...

Again I can relate... I will soon be adding to my blog a picture of Noah with his red cast!

At 6:58 PM, Blogger Dee said...

Poor little guy. How old is he? My Noah is 7. It is so hard when they get hurt, because I always feel like if I had done something or seen the risk I could have prevented it. I just really don't like to see them suffer.

At 11:19 AM, Blogger Christina said...

My Noah will be 7 August 31st. He is our FIRST broken bone! I think that is pretty good stats... 13 years of parenting... 5 children... and this is the FIRST fracture!

I told him, "Noah, not only did you break a bone... you broke my perfect record."

So now he keeps saying "I fractured mom's record!" Isn't that cute?

At 2:52 PM, Blogger Dee said...

That is cute! That is an excellent record, even with one broken bone! We have had 2 broken arms, both the same boy, same arm about 3 years apart. He is just a very active boy! But we have has stitches a few times. Noah just fell this past week and the tooth went all the way through his skin under his lip. I am getting to be a pretty good nurse! I keep telling the children to just sit down and don't do anything, I don't want to go to the ER! They think it is so funny!


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