Becoming a Titus 2 Woman

Then they can train the younger women to love their husbands and children, to be self-controlled and pure, to be busy at home, to be kind, and to be subject to their husbands, so that no one will malign the word of God. Titus 2:4,5

Tuesday, February 14, 2006

Doing it for my husband

Over the years as I have become more comfortable with myself and my appearance, I have stopped wearing make-up pretty much. Part of the reason I admit is that I have been to tired with all of the children. And my wardrobe has gotten pretty bad, sloppy looking.

The Lord has been showing me that this isn't good. Yes, my beauty shouldn't come from my outward appearance, but my heart. But this doesn't me that I shouldn't make any effort for my appearance. For Christmas my children recieved the Veggie Tales Esther story. Now the telling of it Veggie style is pretty loose. But it did get me thinking about how Esther went through the beauty treatments of her day with the other candidates for the queen position. The Lord used her appearance in a special way.

Thinking about that caused me to think about my dh and how I used to look pretty cute when we first got together. But as time went on my appearance has slipped. I know my husband loves me, but I started wondering how much I have been loving him. I mean, is it fair that my husband have to look at a sloppy, plain woman? That isn't who he married. I realized that I could bless my dh with my appearance being made beautiful with beauty treatments (make-up etc, not plastic surgery). So this week I have started wearing make-up again. I have my timer set for an hour before he gets home, so I can go and do my beauty treatments. You wouldn't believe the response I have gotten. Yesterday, he walked in the door and did a double take. He got a huge smile on his face and said I am beautiful, I look just like when we first got married. It really brightened his day. And hearing such a wonderful comment brightened mine too, lol!

So though I am tempted to feel like I am being vain by applying cosmetics and fussing with my appearance, I won't. I am doing this out of love for my husband and such a simple thing to do too. And if it was fine for Queen Esther, then I guess it isn't a sin for me either. Such a little change, but such a blessing for my sweet husband.

What can you do that would bless your husband? Little changes sometimes say the most when we do them for those we love.

Have a wonderful day blessing those you love.


At 11:00 AM, Blogger Christina said...

I have been trying to loose weight for my husband, but have been unsuccesful. I want to do it... I have done everything right. Even the doctor and a personal trainer have agreed that they do not know why I am not loosing weight, but I so desire to be the best I can be for my husband. I will continue to do the best I can and try to leave the rest up to God.

At 11:01 AM, Blogger Christina said...

P.S. Come see my new blog

my daughter has one too:

At 11:32 AM, Blogger Dee said...

I have already popped over to your new blog Christina, lol! I will check out your daughters though.

All you can do is all you can do as far as losing weight. I think you are so right to do all you can and leave it with God. I am beginning to take a more long term and relaxed approach to losing weight now.

Are you still doing raw foods?

At 1:37 PM, Blogger Christina said...

I should go back to the raw foods. I have slowly gotten away from them and I know they are better for me!

At 10:06 AM, Blogger Dee said...

I agree Jamie. I have been stuck in the mid 160's for a long time and am just wondering if this is my size. But I will just keep plugging away on it.

That's wonderful that your dh likes the au-natural you Jamie! Dh likes me that way to, so my makeup is very natural looking. But being so fair without any I don't have eyelashes, lips, etc. Except I have a very pink face, lol! So the extra effort means a lot to him!


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