Becoming a Titus 2 Woman

Then they can train the younger women to love their husbands and children, to be self-controlled and pure, to be busy at home, to be kind, and to be subject to their husbands, so that no one will malign the word of God. Titus 2:4,5

Saturday, February 18, 2006

Moving my Blog

I have decided, that I much prefer Homeschool Blogger, so I am going to blog over there. Use this link to get to my new blog. Now to find the time, lol!

Thursday, February 16, 2006

It Just Hit Me

This morning I ate breakfast at about 5 o'clock in the morning. When the children woke up to eat their breakfast at 7:30 I didn't eat a second one like I normally would. It just hit me that I didn't want to eat because I was hungry, but because I like the taste of the food. When I actually thought about it I realized what I have been doing all these years. I have been eating for the taste and pleasure, not for actual hunger. So today I said no to a second breakfast and continued my daily duties. It's hard to believe, but I resisted little chocolate donuts, lol! If you knew me, you would know that is quite a feat.

So even though I feel very frustrated with my printer that will only print half of the page I need for school, grrr, I am not running to the pleasure of food. It is wonderful to finally be able to go aha to what I believe the Lord has been trying to tell me.

Today, we are going to skip actual school and do a bit of home ec. The house is becoming a pit again and I just can't do school when I feel the walls caving in. So today we will do lessons in housekeeping which will probably involve me doing most of the work unfortunately. Oh well, little by little they will learn. Just as the Lord is patient with me, I will do my best to be patient with my children as they are learning and growing in this area.

Here is a verse that has come to my mind for today:
For precept must be upon precept, precept upon precept; line upon line, line upon line; here a little, and there a little:
Isaiah 28:10
After reading this in context my understanding of it is that it is a warning to those that hear the word of the Lord and tune it out and don't really have a heart to hear. My time in the Word in the mornings has gotten put aside again as my youngest has begun to wake up and need my attention. So, I have not been reading it. I feel the Lord is reminding me with this verse to come back and hear, really hear His words.
So, back to the Bible I will go. He is so good to call me back to Him.

Tuesday, February 14, 2006

Doing it for my husband

Over the years as I have become more comfortable with myself and my appearance, I have stopped wearing make-up pretty much. Part of the reason I admit is that I have been to tired with all of the children. And my wardrobe has gotten pretty bad, sloppy looking.

The Lord has been showing me that this isn't good. Yes, my beauty shouldn't come from my outward appearance, but my heart. But this doesn't me that I shouldn't make any effort for my appearance. For Christmas my children recieved the Veggie Tales Esther story. Now the telling of it Veggie style is pretty loose. But it did get me thinking about how Esther went through the beauty treatments of her day with the other candidates for the queen position. The Lord used her appearance in a special way.

Thinking about that caused me to think about my dh and how I used to look pretty cute when we first got together. But as time went on my appearance has slipped. I know my husband loves me, but I started wondering how much I have been loving him. I mean, is it fair that my husband have to look at a sloppy, plain woman? That isn't who he married. I realized that I could bless my dh with my appearance being made beautiful with beauty treatments (make-up etc, not plastic surgery). So this week I have started wearing make-up again. I have my timer set for an hour before he gets home, so I can go and do my beauty treatments. You wouldn't believe the response I have gotten. Yesterday, he walked in the door and did a double take. He got a huge smile on his face and said I am beautiful, I look just like when we first got married. It really brightened his day. And hearing such a wonderful comment brightened mine too, lol!

So though I am tempted to feel like I am being vain by applying cosmetics and fussing with my appearance, I won't. I am doing this out of love for my husband and such a simple thing to do too. And if it was fine for Queen Esther, then I guess it isn't a sin for me either. Such a little change, but such a blessing for my sweet husband.

What can you do that would bless your husband? Little changes sometimes say the most when we do them for those we love.

Have a wonderful day blessing those you love.

Monday, February 13, 2006


Lately I have so many feelings seeming to overwhelm me at times for no apparent reason. I am sure it is just lovely hormones, I am not as young as I used to be. Right now we are going to be able to fix a few of the things that need to be fixed, and I finally have a new computer and pda. My children are all healthy and doing well and my husband and I are very happy. But I keep feeling sad, and irritable. I guess these hormones are to keep me humble and seeking the Lord constantly.

Part of the reason I know is my sister. She is suffering so much and it is hard to enjoy your own blessings when those you love are suffering. She has 2 fractured vertebrae in her spine and has had tests run on her liver, and for rheumatoid arthritus and lupus. She is going to the doctor today to find out some of the results. She is just miserable, but she tries to make the best of it. Please pray for her if you think of it.

Well, I need to tackle some of my to do list before my crew wakes up and the day really starts. Have a good day everybody!

I'm Back!

We were able to purchase a computer this weekend, and now that I am learning my way around it I am back. I am happy to have it, but I do miss some of the programs from my old "friend". I don't always do well with change, silly right?

I recieved a magazine called TEACH. I was extremely blessed to read it. It is a magazine for Homeschooling mothers and it is a blessing to read. It isn't like some that focus on methods and products, and super kids and families. This magazine is more of an encouragement to push closer to the Lord as you live your daily life and do your daily duties. I was touched by many of the articles in my issue.

This past week I was reading my issue, and I set it down. Well, now I must figure out where I put it because I am going to review it with a few more details than I have given. One of the things I really enjoyed about it though was that it took more than one sitting to read it. I am a voracious reader, and I usually read through a magazine in one sitting (read that bath, lol). But with this magazine the articles were thought provoking and I have read it in several sittings, not just one. This has made it so much better for me, I got to enjoy the magazine for longer than I normally do.

Personally, I plan to subscribe to it. A homeschooling magazine that focuses on encouraging the heart of the mother/teacher is just what I need to reach ever higher in my calling.

Take a peek at the website, I think you will enjoy it to. And as soon as I figure out which safe place I stashed my magazine, I will share about the articles that touched me the most.

Well, it's good to be back. I think it will take me a bit of time to get a good computer time balance going again, but I am sure it will happen.