Becoming a Titus 2 Woman

Then they can train the younger women to love their husbands and children, to be self-controlled and pure, to be busy at home, to be kind, and to be subject to their husbands, so that no one will malign the word of God. Titus 2:4,5

Wednesday, November 30, 2005

I Finally Figured it Out!

Over the years I have done battle with my tub/shower, and I have been losing. Our water is so hard that it seemed I needed power tools to keep it clean. I tried all kinds of cleaners and sprays and nothing worked. I was resigning myself to have a dirty looking tub and consoling myself with the fact that at least I knew I had cleaned it. It wasn't very encouraging though. I mean who wants to clean their bodies in a grungy looking shower? And I knew that my husband was having his doubts that I ever really cleaned it.

Recently I stumbled on something that has given me the advantage in my battle, and I do believe I have victory at last! I have always used nylon scrubbies similar to SOS pads to scrub my tub but it was near impossible to get the stuff off the tub. So I decided to do just a tiny bit each time I shower. I take my scrubbie, and scrub just for a few minutes right before I shower/bathe. This has made such a difference. I no longer dread my tub and my husband actually said it is starting to look new (he is being kind, it is a really old tub and nothing could make it look new). So bit by bit the hard layers have come off and I continue to scrub each shower to ensure it doesn't come back.

Our shower curtain was a problem also, because it rusts and is so awkward to clean. I ended up buying a new one at the Dollar Tree and getting rid of the old one. The new one is flimsy, but I am going to buy a new one each month or so and keep that looking nice also.

I had tried to do this before with a flimsy scrubber and squeegy, but it didn't do a thing. I needed something stronger, the nylon scrubbies, for this to work. So if you are fighting a losing battle with your tub, the answer is simple. Scrub before you tub! And bring out the big guns, don't use any old wimpy sponge, lol!

Friday, November 25, 2005

Some Technical Difficulties

I am having some problems with my computer. It needs a repair, so I may not be able to post except once a week for a while. I have a notebook computer, and the part that the cord plugs into for chargeing or running off electricity is broken and doesn't always get a connection. Actually I think it is a miracle that it has one right now. So as the Lord allows I will blog, and as He allows it will be repaired.

This down time I am going to look at as a blessing. I won't have the temptation to fritter away my time on the computer, so I will spend more time doing what I should be doing. Just imagine how clean my house will be, lol!

We had a lovely and relaxing Thanksgiving. We put up our Christmas tree, or I should say the children did. It is such a blessing that they are now old enough to do those things. I am beginning to see fruits of my labor in my children and it is a real joy.

Today I was able to enjoy a day with my Mom, which is rare. We went out and braved some of the after Thanksgiving sales. It was such fun to help pick out gifts for others, and for my own kiddos too. Then we got to just sit and chat which is rare nowadays. My only regret was not bringing my crochet with me so I could be productive, I am just so unused to sitting and not doing anything.

Well, I had better get back to my crocheting and get to putting away all the small things I bought today. I hope to be back soon!

Monday, November 21, 2005

Kids and Crafts

Today I had such a good time making bead candy canes with the children. So my thankful for today (yes, I know I haven't been doing it everyday, I mean to I just don't get to it), is kids and crafts. Something as ordinary as red, green and white pony beads and pipe cleaners become something extremely fun as I watch the children creating something. My two year old, Brook was so pleased with herself for making hers and I was such a proud mama! What a blessing to be able to enjoy simple things with my children. What a rich life I have with them!

I've Been Tagged!

Also, if I exercise I can earn extra points.
That is the 5th sentence from the 23rd post on my blog!
A fun game:
Find the 23rd post on your blog.
Find the 5th sentence.
(This is supposed to tell something about you!) :)
Cut and paste it along with these instructions.
Tag 5 friends who have blogs!
Leave your sentence in my comments!

Thursday, November 17, 2005


Today I am thankful for Momys. If you aren't familiar with Momys it is a website, where mothers of many children get together online. It is a great place and I am so blessed by the Momys. They are loving and giving. When I am down I can always go onto Momys and be encouraged. I am also blessed when I am encouraged to try harder and do better in my calling as a wife and mother by other Momys. And in my walk with my Lord.

So today, I just want to praise God for a place like Momys!

Tuesday, November 15, 2005

Being a Child of God

Today I am thankful that I am a child of God. I am special and loved not because of me, but because I am created in His image and He has chosen me. I am so thankful for the Lord's unconditional love. I know that His love is neverending and neverchanging.

So today as I am going through my daily duties, I am going to rejoice in the Love of my Father and the fact that I am His child. I am going to rejoice in His goodness and faithfulness to me. And the incredible grace that allows me to belong to Him!

Friday, November 11, 2005

I Haven't Forgotten

I just wanted to say I haven't forgotton to be thankful these past few days, I just haven't been able to get online, lol! Right now my brain is mush from waking up at 2:30 this morning and starting my day. So, I will begin again tomorrow, when I am rested.

Wednesday, November 09, 2005


Today I am thankful for all the luxuries I have. I am thankful for toilet paper, not everyone has this you know. I am thankful for chocolate chip cookies and an exercise program to work off the cookies, lol! I am thankful for yarn to crochet fun projects with. I am thankful for my computer which is my window to the world. I am thankful for my printer which allows me to create things and helps me with school. I am thankful for my dishwasher that is working now and makes doing dishes so much easier. I am thankful for my fridge, not everyone has one of these either. I am thankful for hot running water and indoor plumbing.

My life is so easy compared to so many others, and I just want to appreciate all that I have. Thank you Lord!

Tuesday, November 08, 2005

My Home

Today I am thankful for the home the Lord has blessed us with for shelter. Our home isn't the most beautiful, but it is a blessing to us! I am also thankful that He has given me the ability to care for my home. I seem to have forgotten that I have the ability for a while, but slowly it is coming back to me.

This house we live in is more than shelter, it is where we share our hearts with one another and work and play. It is our little community shelter.

I am so glad that the Lord provided this home for us here on earth, and I even more thankful that He has a place prepared for me in heaven. Oh how good it will be to be with Him!

Monday, November 07, 2005

My Girls

Today I am thankful for my daughters. They are such a joy and a gift. And as they get older and mature, I will be truly blessed with lovely young women. They are so sweet and caring. When I am not feeling well, my girls are the ones that come and tuck me in. And if you have never been tucked in by your children it is a real treat.

Now I am still feeling poorly today, so I won't share all that is on my heart about my lovely daughters.

Sunday, November 06, 2005


Today and for the past few days, I have been in a lot of pain. If I didn't know from past experience that it would subside in a time, I would be at the ER right now. But I do know that it will get better and I will soon be back to my normal self.

So today I am thankful that my suffering is not in vain. The Lord has a purpose for even this pain I am in. So even though I am miserable and would prefer to curl up and cry, I will not. I will carry on as I am able and try to rejoice even in this. I cling to the verses that tell me that ALL things work together for good.

Won't you rejoice in your sufferings today with me?

Not only so, but we also rejoice in our sufferings, because we know that suffering produces perseverance; perseverance, character; and character, hope. And hope does not disappoint us, because God has poured out his love into our hearts by the Holy Spirit, whom he has given us.
Romans 5:3-5
And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose.
Romans 8:28

Saturday, November 05, 2005

He Gives Us all We Need

Today I am thankful that the Lord gives us everything we need to do the works He has called us to. He gives us the strength, courage, endurance, tools, and even encouragement when we are down.

He has called me to be a wife and mother of an almost large family. As I daily grow, He teaches me more and more and equips me for this job He has given me. I am so thankful the He is a loving God that provides for me in this way. I would really hate to be stumbling around in the dark all the time unable to fulfill my roll.

So when I get discouraged and begin to think that only a super-woman could run my home I can remember that the Lord has given me all I need to do these tasks He has assigned to me. I just need to look to Him!

What a great and awesome God I serve! So today I am thankful for His love and mercy that provides all I need to do His good works.

May the God of peace, who through the blood of the eternal covenant brought back from the dead our Lord Jesus, that great Shepherd of the sheep, equip you with everything good for doing his will, and may he work in us what is pleasing to him, through Jesus Christ, to whom be glory for ever and ever. Amen.
Hebrews 13:20-21

Friday, November 04, 2005

God's Provision

Today as I prepare to do my shopping and errands, I am very thankful for God's provisions for our family. He has provided a good job for my dh. I am so thankful that I am able to go and do my grocery shopping and have a bit of money also to buy non-needs and gifts for others. He is so good!

As I am more aware of others needs, and am daily moved to tears for others, it makes me realize how blessed I really am. My poor husband and children think I am nuts, but this year the Lord has just touched my heart and it just keeps breaking for others. This is a good thing for me, it brings praise to my mouth for the Lord and all He has blessed me with. But it also makes me think and pray for how I can ease the burden of others more. This is difficult, but it has made me seriously reevaluate some of my spending.

So let's be thankful for all the Lord has provided for us today! Whether you are wealthy and live in a large home and eat lot's of steak, or poor and have a small dumpy home with many potato meals. The Lord has given it and I am so thankful for what He has provided!

Thursday, November 03, 2005

My Husband

Today I am thankful for my husband David. He is the best man I have ever known. He is loving and kind to me. He extends me so much grace for all of my many mistakes. He is super good looking, lol! And after all we've been through together he still loves me. What more could a woman ask for?

So I am very thankful to the Lord for bringing us together. And giving me more than I ever dreamed I would have. It's funny butwhen we met I worked at a Christian bookstore and my husband was a frequent customer. When he first saw me, he felt the Lord tell him that I was to be the one. He resisted, lol! I had no interest in him at all. But over the years as he grew and changed and I grew and changed, the Lord opened our eyes to eachother. It was amazing, but both of us at the same time were attracted to each other, not just physically, but spiritually too. God is so good. Our first date was November 8th 1992, and we were engaged 3 months later. We didn't tell anyone that we were engaged for 3 more months because we knew that people would say it was to soon. And in May of 1993 we were married. Neither of us have ever regretted our marriage!

So who or what are you thankful for today?

Wednesday, November 02, 2005

I Am Thankful for My...

I am thankful for my sister. Growing up we were normal in that we fought A LOT. But now as adults that both love the Lord we are best friends. Today is her birthday, isn't that nice!

My sister is one of the most giving people I have ever met. She just gives and gives and gives, even if it means that she will go without or be stuck eating top ramen. She has blessed me many times, even when I know she can't afford it. She also has some of the biggest faith I have ever seen. She just believes that God will provide even when it seems totally impossible, and He does! She is also stubborn. When we go out together we embarrass ourselves repeatedly by arguing about who gets to pay. I always feel very sorry for the clerk!

So this is the second day of sharing some of what I am thankful for. Who are you thankful for today?

Tuesday, November 01, 2005

Being Thankful

Today is the first day of November. And this month I would like to do something different. Each day I would like to share something I am thankful for. I am going to try to do this all the way until Thanksgiving Day. If I forget, please forgive me as I have a serious case of mommy-brain.

Today I would like to share how thankful I am for all the Lord has provided for my family. We are not rich, far from it, but our needs are met. I have recently become aware of how many are less fortunate than my family and it really has put things into perspective for me. There are those that have no funds coming in and have no idea how they will make it through the day. There are some that have recently lost their home, or have no idea about how they will pay their rent do today. This is so hard and I am praying hard for all the needs I see. It has also made me so much more thankful for all we have. My mortgage is paid and the utilities are caught up. I am so thankful that the Lord has provided a nice warm, safe place for my family.

There is so much more I am thankful for, but I will save some for tomorrow and the next days. So today won't you join me in being thankful for the roof that you have over your head? No matter where it is, or how temporary, we have a place for now. Let's praise the Lord for what He has given us!