Becoming a Titus 2 Woman

Then they can train the younger women to love their husbands and children, to be self-controlled and pure, to be busy at home, to be kind, and to be subject to their husbands, so that no one will malign the word of God. Titus 2:4,5

Sunday, July 31, 2005

My Home Management Binder

I have started making my new Home Management Binder. I was reading on Candy's site about how the first step should be decorating your binder, she suggested not to proceed to the next step until every time you look at your binder it makes you smile. I just finished making my cover and it does make me smile! So here is the cover, all of the images are taken from Mom of 9's Place. I just used imaging software to resize them to the photo pockets on my binder. I don't have a digital camera, so this is just scanned in. The top picture is the spine of my notebook, and the bottom is the cover. Some of the picture edges didn't get scanned in, but it gives you an idea. I cannot figure out how to put the pictures into the text itself. But at least I figured out how to add pictures. If anyone that uses blogger knows how to put pictures where you want them please let me know how, I would so appreciate it.


My dishwasher has been broken all year. I have been doing dishes by hand, which has been fine, but I did miss my dishwasher. Today my brother-in-law came out and fixed it! Woo hoo, I have a dishwasher again. I am so excited! We can get back into the habit of the children scraping their dishes and putting them in the dishwasher after each meal. Ahhhh, my "maid" is working again.

My husband's nephew is a mechanic and took a look at our van. He confirmed that we do need a new transmission. So, we will wait until either we save the money (ha-ha) or we get our tax refund next year. Then he said he will be happy to pull it and fix it for us. I am so thankful, to have the transmission replaced at a shop on our 15 passenger van would cost a LOT, but it will be so much more affordable without having to pay labor.

Talking to my sister-in-law about it she was commenting on that being such a long time to wait. My response was that patience is a virtue and I am getting practice in it. For my entire life I have been terrible with patience, I think the things that we have gone through these past couple years have been to help teach me patience. I am so much more at peace to wait now than I used to be, although I still have a long way to go.

Isn't God good to give us confirmation and hope about our van? And for fixing our dishwasher? Great things happen when you wait on the Lord!

A Lesson For My Son

Yesterday, I went into town to go shopping. I did the non-perishable shopping for my little girl's upcoming birthday, visited a short while at my sister's house and was on to Costco. The day was going good, and my shopping buddy for the day, Moses, and I were having a good time. When I arrived at Costco music came from my purse, I dug out my phone and my sweet husband is on the other end asking if I am almost finished and ready to come home. No, I tell him I have 2 other stores after Costco. I sweetly ask why? He tells me Elijah cut his finger. I say how bad and how? It turns out that Elijah cut his finger on my battery powered garden shears. Now I would never let my son use my garden shears, but husbands do not think like moms, so he was using them.

I hurried home to see it I could glue it together myself, which I have become pretty good at. It saves the trauma of having to go to the hospital for the little guys. I get home and take a look, it is a mess. I clean it up again to get a better look, and look at it. My poor son is crying and in great pain. After having looked, I realize that no, I won't be able to fix it, we need to go to the hospital. My son is freaking out, he is panicking and doesn't want to go. We calm him down and he and I head out. We get to the hospital and the doctor looks at it and says exactly what I thought, "I was hoping that I could just glue it, but it needs to be stitched". Confirmation for my Mommy Instincts! My son hears this and begins to cry, he is so afraid poor guy. We calm him down and the doctor goes and gathers all the needed materials. The doctor gives him two shots that took a couple minutes each to numb his finger, and my son was a trooper, he didn't move or cry. After that he begins cleaning and stitching for about half an hour. My son didn't cry or move, he was so brave. Afterwards, when we were waiting to be released, we were talking. He told me that he accidentally raised the blades up when he had taken his finger off the butten and the blades were stopping. We had the oppurtunity to talk about what would have happened if his finger had still been pressing the button, about how his finger would have been cut off, and what a wonderful God we have that He timed things out to prevent that from happening. It was a wonderful time for him to see God's hand in his life tangibly.

So, even though the day wasn't what I would have liked, my son was blessed to see how God cares for him. He was so thankful to God, and so was I, it could have been so much worse. God truly does work out all things for His purpose and glory!

Saturday, July 30, 2005

Oh my!

I was just going over our budget and changing things. I was adding categories for our savings account. I put amounts to each category, amounts that I would like to reach and keep in our account for each category. I was having a blast thinking it out and deciding what expenses we really should have money saved for. All was going well until I added a category for a new car and one for contingency in case of job loss. Once these were added in and the totals talleyey up, I took a quick breath. Then I took it a step further and figured the amount we can afford to save each month divided it into that amount which gave me 248 months. That divided into 12 is 20 years! Oh my! It would take 20 years to fund these categories providing life doesn't interfere with my plans (wink). It made me want to throw out the whole idea. But then I remembered the tortoise and the hare. Slow and steady, slow and steady. And anyway, I just need to be faithful, but I don't need to trust my plans or money. My trust is in the Lord. And I won't even let my mind drift to 20 years from now when David retires, I will just take my small, faithful steps, and trust the Lord for our future! He will work all out according to His plans!

Friday, July 29, 2005


Mara to Mom, "Why don't we call the weather man?"

Mom to Mara, "We don't know the weather man's name."

Mara to Mom, "His name is weather man."

Duh! Why didn't I know that?

I have this song on my heart

Want to sing with me?
Turn Your Eyes Upon JESUS

O soul, are you weary and troubled?No light in the darkness you see?There’s light for a look at the Savior,And life more abundant and free!


Turn your eyes upon Jesus,Look full in His wonderful face,And the things of earth will grow strangely dim,In the light of His glory and grace.
Through death into life everlastingHe passed, and we follow Him there;Over us sin no more hath dominion—For more than conquerors we are!


His Word shall not fail you—He promised;Believe Him, and all will be well:Then go to a world that is dying,His perfect salvation to tell!


Thursday, July 28, 2005

Psalm 103:10

He does not treat us as our sins deserve or repay us according to our iniquities. Psalm 103:10
As I read this verse I couldn't help but rejoice! I am so very far from perfect, my iniquities are many. But God is so good! He doesn't treat me how I deserve, He treats me in accordance with His love and mercy! I am only a beggar, but He loves me like a princess.
As I read this verse and rejoice, I also see how I am to treat my children. My children aren't perfect, and their iniquities are many, but I am to have mercy on them. I am not to treat them as they deserve to be treated, but I am to love them and treat them like the precious gifts He sees them as. I am to be always tying strings, even on the days when they are being very difficult and honestly don't "deserve" it. It's not about deserving, it's about loving unconditionally.
I am so thankful that the Lord has given us His Word to teach us and encourage us! There is no doubt, He is a good God!

Wednesday, July 27, 2005

Alpha Mom

I have become aware of an article in New York magazine (thanks for correcting me Anonomous), which I wouldn't normally read, but that is very interesting. The article is called Alpha Mom, and is about the woman that has been developing a new cable station. After reading the article in two sittings, I am just saddened and amazed. Here is this woman that most of us would notice is clueless and very self-centered, and she is starting a cable channel to teach mothering? Reading the article I was so very sad, because the direction this woman is heading is the path of destruction and she is going to lead? This poor woman is decieved and she is tearing her house down with her own hands (Proverbs).

Is this really the parenting ideal that our society holds now? I really hope not.

Home Management Binder

The past few days I have been visiting Candy's site and looking and reading about Home Management Binders. It has so much fun to get a look at others binders. It is really motivating also. When I get mine finished I will post it here also.

Okay, I had worked on a Home Management Binder before. I had a lot of it done, but you know I didn't like it. I had put my pages in page protectors and then I had used stick on tabs on them. The pages looked really nice, but they stuck out of the side of the binder, they were to long for the width of the binder with the page protector's and the tabs. My perfectionism flared and I WON'T use it! Crazy huh? So, now I am trying to find a solution to my dilema. I need to get working again on it, I need to be a faithful wife and mother to my wonderful family. And a faithful servent to my Lord.

As soon as my printer issue is dealt with I will get right on it.

Tuesday, July 26, 2005


I have been doing better on our finances, but I still have far to go. I was on The Home School Mom website, and I saw an add for The Budget Map. After reviewing the website and reading reviews, I can hardly wait to order one. This little ledger is the same size as a checkbook register but has 12 additional columns for recording your budget amounts. I have been trying to create something like this for a while but just couldn't figure it out. So, just as soon as I have $29.95 plus shipping, I am going to order some. Give it a look if you are interested in simplifying your budget.

I do have Quicken, but I never seem to get around to entering my stuff, so it doesn't help me much. But this is just what I have been looking for.

Update on preggo test

It looks like I am not pregnant. I decided to show the test to David. And when I did, I felt like a crazy because the line had completely faded! I did a search and found this site that has information about the brand test I used. According to the information in the article, it is a flaw in the test and a known problem. I won't be buying Answer tests anymore. Because of the worry over the health of the baby if the line were truly so faint, I am relieved that it is negative. Now, if the line had been without a doubt dark and not faded I would be really happy.


I normally get my period on the 29th day. So my cycles are 28 days. This time I am on day 31 and no period. Once or twice I have had some slight spotting, very slight. I got up this morning and took an Answer pregnancy test which gave me a line so light I could barely see it. I took a test 2 days ago and didn't get any line and it never showed an evaporation line. I am concerned because my healthy pregnancies always show really dark lines right away and the one that ended in miscarriage never got a dark line, it was always very faint.

So now I am thinking I could possibly be pregnant and either I ovulated much later and so the pregnancy is not showing up easily even though I am 2 days late, or this isn't a healthy pregnancy. I am afraid to tell my husband because he didn't want to concieve yet because the miscarriage was very hard for him.

I am going to trust in the Lord with all my heart and lean not on my own understanding, even though it will be hard because if I am pregnant I am so very afraid of losing the baby.

Monday, July 25, 2005

My Printer Died

Yesterday I was copying pages for Spelling Power books for my children, and my printer is stuck with an error message of paper jam, but there is nothing in there. The carriage doesn't move on it's own though.

My printer has been acting funny for at least 6 months now and I knew it was ready for retirement, but I just wasn't ready for it to retire now. Not when I am preparing the bulk of our school needs for next year. So, now I have to figure out what we are going to do. Change my curriculum plans and buy more consumable things, or buy a new printer. The printer has become so important to our school life. So I guess I have no choice, but to buy a new one.

I have to honestly admit that this stresses me out. I was planning on using this check to pay off our last debt. If I have to buy a printer, that won't happen, sigh. Oh well, the Lord knows and He is in charge of even of this.

Monday Weigh In

Beginning Weight: 187
Current Weight: 184
First WW Goal: 168

3 pounds lost! Only 16 pounds to go to my first goal! Isn't God good!

Sunday, July 24, 2005

My Wedding Ring

The ring that I wear on my finger to show I belong to my beloved, is not the kind you would normally see. I have a very inexpensive silver band that I bought at the Christian bookstore a while back for like $7.99. I do have a lovely wedding set, but I have grown out of it as I gained weight and never got it sized, because I was sure I was going to lose weight. My ring is special because engraved on it is 4GVN. When I am feeling discouraged over my inadequacies I just need to look at my ring to remember that Jesus died for that also, and I am FORGIVEN. Now I don't know about you, but I am very far from perfect. I don't mother my children perfectly, I am selfish, I don't love my husband as I should, I don't educate my children well enough.....the list could go on forever it seems. I do try, but I just always fall short. When I get to thinking about my failures, I need a reminder to turn me back to the Cross, this ring does that for me. So many times I will look down and remember, and then my heart is changed from wallowing in all of the failures of myself to the incredible grace and love that is Jesus. My heart becomes full of thankfulness and praise.

So, even though I am losing weight and my wedding set will fit me again, I am not sure I want to trade the incredible blessing of my little plain ring. I think I will just downsize with the same type of ring when the time comes, because you know you can never have too many reminders of how beautiful our Saviour is.

Saturday, July 23, 2005

Virtual Homeschool Convention

I was surfing the web and found this on Spunky's Site. I haven't had time of course to read it all, but for those of us that are unable to attend a convention, this is a great alternative!


Yesterday I took my sister to the doctor to get an epidural. She has a bulging disc in her back and has been unable to function because of the pain. The epidural is hopefully going to reduce the inflammation and help with the pain. We are all hoping it is successful, because it has been so hard on her to be stuck at home. We won't know for a few days if it worked, so we wait. If you think of her, please remember her in your prayers for healing of this condition. The nice thing about taking her was that I got to spend some time with her that I really haven't been able to lately.

I live out of the "big city", and we only have 1 grocery store in the town that I live in, so after I left my sister I went shopping. I didn't really need anything, except maybe a few school supplies but I decided to stop and shop to cool off, because our car doesn't have air conditioning. So, I stopped at Target. I slowly browsed through the school supplies only buying the items that were a SUPER price. I had such a nice time. Those of you with many children know what a treat it is to shop alone with no time constraints. I ended up coming out with 3 bags full for only $15 which made the trip a whole lot more fun.

Afterwards I came home and relaxed with my family for a bit before washing the dishes that they kindly left me to wash from their lunch. Then I made a nice dinner that my husband really enjoyed. It was such a nice day, and it was so simple.

My goal today is to start a family tradition of everyone helping with yard work on Saturday's for at least 30 minutes. I have been the only one doing it, and the weeds are more than I can handle alone. So, I am putting on my drill seargent uniform and rallying my troops to yard work basic training today.

I haven't lost any more, and am kind of discouraged. I am still at 185 from 187. I guess that is why Weight Watchers wants you to weigh only once per week. I guess I have learned my lesson, and I will only weigh myself on Mondays now.

I haven't said anything to my dh, because I don't think I really am, but I keep feeling like I got pregnant. It is silly, because it worked out this month that when I was fertile by the calendar, we were never in the mood. But I have been so tired lately. I fall asleep during the day with the children, I can't help it, and at night I doze off on the couch when I normally should be still awake. I have 2 days until I should get my monthly and have had none of the normal signs. So, I guess my hormones are wacky this month, and confusing me. Since I lost the last baby, I haven't been sure I wanted to have another, I have been afraid. But lately the desire is so strong and I get really sad when I think of not having another. But at the same time, I am trying to give it into the Lord's hands whatever happens.

Well, enough rambles for today, I need to get up and exercise before my troops wake up. I don't like to become the entertainment .

Thursday, July 21, 2005

Thank You, Lord!

This past week-end when I was grocery shopping I had to be careful to stay in my budget. Lot's of times that meant not buying things I wanted. One of the things that I wanted this past week was some more cans of fruit. My children love canned fruit and as I walked through that aisle and saw the cans sitting on the shelf I wanted to buy some but knew that I could not afford it. So, the cans stayed on the shelf and I stayed in my budget. But I was a little sad. Now, we have plenty of food, but I just wanted extra treats, ya know?

So, Yesterday my Grandmother stopped by with 3 boxes of food. My Grandmother is poor. She doesn't have extra money, and she is the least likely of anyone I know to be bringing us food. But, she gets food from the food bank each month. She has gotten into the habit of blessing us with whatever she cannot use, which to me seems like everything they give her. So, this month what was the big thing in the boxes? Canned fruit. I was so excited and I remembered my desire. There were other things also, like Hunt's Snackpack Puddings, which I NEVER buy because they are way to expensive. My children were so excited!

God is so good, and you know the verse that says that He will give us the desires of our hearts? Well, He did! Even for that quick, unimportant sigh of a wish.

Thank You, Lord!

My Brook

My Brook (23 months) is always into something. We tag team to keep her out of trouble and alive, lol! She is the darling that used my pink wall stencil paint to redecorate the front bathroom.

This morning while my 5 year old, Chloe was getting the items out for pancakes, Brook decided she was thirsty. So, she saw the Costco size bottle of Vanilla on the table and decided to have some "juice". She took a big swig and then started to gag. My poor baby, she will NEVER drink that again, LOL! I'm telling you, you can't turn away from her for a minute!

Points for Crazy Crust Pizza Added

I just figured the points value for Crazy Crust Pizza and added it to the recipe. This will be dinner for tonight! Yum!

Wednesday, July 20, 2005

Yesterday I found an unusual spider clinging to one of my diapers as I took them off the line. I knew that my son Noah had been asking for his very own spider, so I got it on a clothespin and quickly (constantly flipping it, that was one fast little guy) came into the house. I plopped the clothespin onto the counter and quickly put a jar over him. We then covered the jar with part of an out-grown pair of tights and my son gave him some grass and sticks to crawl on. Then we started looking up all about what kind it was online. My son was so happy that he had his own spider. As we were sitting there looking at pictures of arachnids and getting the heeby-jeebies, my daughter Chloe came over and bumped the jar and it fell. My son carefully picked it up only to discover that the little guy was squashed by the stick. He was so sad. Now he is sure that we will never find another spider like it. He is grieving. My poor little guy. So now I will be looking all over for another spider.

Losing weight

Since I have joined the ranks of round women I have tried off and on to lose weight. And I have great resolve, at least until the first piece of chocolate cake comes my way. I lose a few pounds, then I let my favorites back into my tummy, and the losing stops. I get discouraged and wonder why and my sweet husband gently reminds me that I can't eat a dozen fresh baked cookies and expect to lose weight. This has been a puzzle for me, because when I was young and skinny I would eat a dozen cookies if I wanted to with no problem. Yesterday as I was leaving the grocery store I was puzzling over this and it hit me (yes, maybe I am a little slow). When I was skinny I was very picky, if something was served that I didn't like I didn't eat. I skipped a lot of meals, some because of pickiness, and some because of money (if I didn't have money I didn't get lunch at work, I NEVER brought lunch, like I said, sometimes I am s-l-o-w). Now, I am not quite as picky, which comes with age, and having babies and nursing makes you ravenous which makes everything taste pretty good. So, the pickiness doesn't work for me. And as for skipping meals because I can't afford lunch, my children are funny in expecting something to eat in the middle of the day, every single day. So, now I eat regularly. So my two biggest stay thin secrets won't work anymore.

Now that I have discovered this and put to rest my ridiculous hope that I can eat whatever and still lose weight now that I am not pregnant or nursing, I believe that this time my weight loss will be successful. I now KNOW things are different and I need to change as painful as that is. I still kind of wish I could just be fat and happy, but really I am not happy being fat, so that really isn't true either.

So as I cling to the actual truth that I am older with a slower metabolism, and I actually like food now, and being fat really doesn't bring all that much happiness, I have confidence that this time I will lose weight. Now I know that I have just revealed what a silly person I am, but without us silly people, we wouldn't recognize the wisdom in others.

WW Start Weight (7/18/05): 187
Current Weight: 185
WW First Goal: 168

2 lbs lost!
17 lbs to go to reach my first goal!

Tuesday, July 19, 2005

Beauty and White Flour

I just finished grinding wheat and mixing up some peanut butter bread for lunch today. As I was going about my tasks (and trying to keep little fingers from dumping my work on the floor) I starting thinking about how our "tastes" get us into trouble.

Down through the ages they didn't have white flour, they had fresh ground wheat flour. All of the desserts, breads etc were made with this flour and they were a treat. The flour was nutritious and good. Fast forward, white flour is made commonly available, it makes things "pretty" and light and fluffy. But, it has very little nutritive value. That's okay, we want to satisfy our tastes and need for beauty. And we pay the price for it in our health. As with many other food items science has tried to make "better".

This carries over into other things, in times past a woman with a little extra cushion was considered healthy and beautiful. Not now, we don't want any extra ripple or roll. We want beauty! So even though it is healthier for a woman to have just a little extra cushion for health, we don't want it. We want skin and bones beauty even if we sacrifice our health in the getting.Don't get me wrong I am not talking about the obvious need to be fit, but the extreme that we strive for.

This also goes for our homes, cars and clothes. We want the prettiest, coolest, nicest whatever and we will go into EXTREME debt to get what we want.

Yes our hunger for fleshly beauty has gotten us into some trouble. So, how about a change? Let's stop looking for beauty in the world, and seek it out in our Creator.

One thing I ask of the LORD, this is what I seek: that I may dwell in the house of the LORD all the days of my life, to gaze upon the beauty of the LORD and to seek him in his temple.
Psalm 27:4


I was talking about Moses with my 3 year old daughter Maranatha. She asked me if he was dead. I told her that he was and she asked if he was under the dirt. I told her probably and she said, "Let's go dig for him!" I said no, and she said she would! She is so funny. I told her he was buried across the world. Than she got curious about the Ten Commandment decoration that we have hanging on our wall. She couldn't figure out how we got it from Moses, lol! I explained that it is just a copy, not the real ones.

She is so funny!

Monday, July 18, 2005

Do you have a Palm?

Today as I was fiddling with my Palm m130 I was wondering if anyone else uses one. And if so what are your favorite programs?

I use palm NFP which is natural planning software for the palm. I like it because I can keep track of my cycles really easily and it's free. Here is the link:

Another one I just added today is from Weight Watchers and it syncronizes with Weight Watcher's online.

Other that that I really only use the datebook as an alarm clock (pricey alarm clock) and play solitare.

What do you do with yours?

Verse of the Day

Then Asa called to the LORD his God and said, "LORD, there is no one like you to help the powerless against the mighty. Help us, O LORD our God, for we rely on you, and in your name we have come against this vast army. O LORD, you are our God; do not let man prevail against you."
2 Chronicles 14:11
This is such a good verse to remember when we feel like we have enemies surrounding us.
I need to remember that I rely on the LORD, not on myself, money, my husband or anything else. What an encouragement!

I did it!

I joined Weight Watchers online! I will start with this and if I feel like I need more support I will start doing meetings. But, I really don't want to because it would be such a bother to rush out right after my husband gets home from work. I am able to have 24 points a day and 35 extra flex points a week (for my movie dates with my sister or shopping trips when I like extra treats. Also, if I exercise I can earn extra points. I stopped exercising last week because of my neck pain, but I will start it again this week.

I just finished figuring point values to some of the recipes I will be using this week. This way we can eat the meals I would normally, but I will know when to STOP eating, lol. I am going to add point values to the recipes I have posted as I get them figured out.

So here's hoping that we actually see some progress in my weight loss!

New Start Weight: 187
Current Weight: 187
First Goal: 168

Friday, July 15, 2005

Verse of the Day

But he said to me, "My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness." Therefore I will boast all the more gladly about my weaknesses, so that Christ's power may rest on me.
2 Corinthians 12:9
This is the verse that I woke today with on my heart. And as I sat and paid bills and saw how weak we are financially, I clung to my Lord whose power is made perfect in our weakness.
As I also have suffered this week in pain, this verse encourages my heart that I can rejoice in my weakness because Christ's power will rest on me. I don't need to be embarrassed that I have a large family and am in pain. It just gives the Lord more oppurtunity to work in my life and show His incredible power. God is so good to give us everything that we need in His Word!
So, rejoice!

Sample Two Week Menu

Menu 3

Brown Sugar Granola (3)
Peanut Butter Granola(3)
Donut Muffins(3)
Eggs and Toast (3)
Rice Cereal (2)
(Cereal for David)
Macaroni and Cheese (4)
Canned Pasta (4)
Peanut Butter Sandwiches (4)
Canned Chicken Sandwiches (2)
Chicken Pot Pie (2)
Crazy Crust Pizza (1)
Surprise Cheeseburgers (1)
Momys Macaroni and Cheese (2)
Grilled Chicken (1)
Heavenly Chicken Lasagna (2)
Hash Brown Soup (2)
Terlingua Red Chili (2)
Beef and Potato Pie (2)
Banana Bread
Crackers and Peanut Butter
Boiled Eggs
Orange Julious

Shopping List
9 ripe bananas
Baking Powder
Powder sugar
wheat berries
brown sugar
all-purpose flour
powder sugar
Canola oil
peanut butter
red wine vinegar
soy sauce
1/3 cup dry white wine
worcestiershire sauce
Frozen orange juice
frozen mixed vegetables
2 frozen pie crusts
chopped spinach
tator tots
chili powder
cayenne pepper
garlic powder
dried minced onion
garlic salt
season salt
cottage cheese
ricotta cheese
American Cheese
cheddar cheese
mozarella cheese
1# Velveeta or American chz.
rolled oats
hamburger buns
french bread
Jiffy corn bread mix
Jiffy cake mix
lasagna noodles
8-16 oz spaghetti
macaroni & cheese (4)
chicken broth
sliced olives
pizza sauce
canned pasta (4)
canned chicken (2)
canned corn
8oz tomato sauce
3 cans beef broth
evaporated milk
2 cans cream of chicken soup
cream of celery soup
chicken bouillon cubes
(10oz) Alfredo refrig.
7oz diced pimentos
6oz sliced mushrooms
Parmesan cheese
6 lbs chicken
6 lb ground beef (separate)
bread crumbs
hamburger buns
protein powder
dry milk

Donut Muffins (5 WW points each)

1/3 cup shortening
½ cup sugar
1 egg
1-1/2 cups flour
1-1/2 tsp baking powder
½ tsp salt
1/4 tsp nutmeg
3/4 cup milk
½ cup powder sugar, mixed with:
1 tsp cinnamon
1/4 cup melted butter
In a mixing bowl mash together the shortening and sugar. Add the egg and whisk it all up until it is smooth. Make sure you use shortening, not margarine, the shortening gives this recipe it’s special texture. Measure the flour, baking powder, salt and nutmeg into the bowl. Pour in the milk. Mix the batter with a whisk until it is smooth. Drop the mixture into 12 oiled muffin cups. Make sure not to overfill the muffin cups, ½-2/3 full is full enough. Bake the muffins at 350 degrees for 25 minutes, or until the muffins are brown on top. Remove them from the oven and allow them to cool slightly. Take the muffins out of the pan. When they are cool enough to handle, dip the tops of the muffins into the melted butter. Then dip them into the powdered sugar/cinnamon mixture. Arrange the prepared muffins on a large plate and serve while still warm. Makes 1 dozen.

Peanut Butter Granola (7 WW points per 1/2 cup serving)
2 Tbs butter
1/3 cup peanut butter (natural is best)
1/3 cup honey
½ tsp vanilla
1/4 tsp salt
3 cups rolled oats
Begin by melting the butter and peanut butter together in a 3 quart saucepan. Add the honey, vanilla and salt. Stir the mixture until it is smooth and hot throughout. It doesn’t need to boil. Add the oats. Stir until the oats are completely coated with the sticky gooey peanut butter mixture. It will be chunky. Turn the mixture into an ungreased cookie sheet, or a large 9x13 inch pan. Spread the granola out evenly and bake it at 375 degrees for 10 minutes. It will be brown and crispy. Now remove it from the oven and llow it to cool right there in the pan. Break it up into pieces after it is cooled. Transfer the granola to a clean airtight container. Add raisins, if you would like (½ cup), when the granola is cool. Use as cereal in a bowl with milk.

Brown Sugar Granola (8 WW points per 1/2 cup serving)
½ cup butter
1 cup brown sugar
1/4 cup water
1/4 tsp salt
4 cups rolled oats
½ tsp cinnamon
In a large 4 quart saucepan melt the butter sugar and water together. Stir it well and let is simmer for a few minutes (2 or 3 minutes should be enough). Add the salt, oatmeal and cinnamon to the big pot. Remove the pot from the stove an stir up the granola. You want to coat the oats with the brown sugar and butter , so keep stirring until everything is moistened. Put the granola onto a cookie sheet, the kind with sides. Bake it at 375 degrees for 10 minutes. It should be a nice golden brown. Remove the pan from the oven and allow the granola to cool right there in the pan. When it is cool, break it up into small pieces and transfer it to clean airtight container. Add nuts or dried fruit when you put the cooled mixture into a container if desired. Serve in a bowl with milk for breakfast.

My Best Banana Bread (5 WW points per 1/12 loaf)
(From the
3 ripe bananas
1 cup sugar
1/4 cup oil
3/4 cup orange juice
½ tsp salt
1 Tbs baking powder
2-1/2 cups white or whole wheat flour
1 cup chopped nuts (optional)
Use a whisk to mash the bananas in a big bowl. A fork would work too, but a whish is my favorite. Try to get the out most of the banana lumps. Add the sugar and oil. Mix everything together until it is smooth and satiny. Pour orange juice into the banana mixture. Beat the batter until it is good and smooth. Next add the salt and baking powder. Mix them in and then add the flour. You may need to use a big sooon to mix the flour in, because the batter may be kind of stiff by now. Add a little more water or milk if you think you need it. Trust your own eye. Turn the batter into a well oiled 9x5" loaf pan or 2 8x4" loaf pans. Bake at 350 degrees for an hour. If using smaller pans, check after 45 minutes. The bread is done when a knife inserted in the center comes out clean. This freezes well.

Chicken Pot Pie (4 WW points per 1/6 pie)
1 can chicken broth
2 lbs cooked chicken, shredded
½ bag frozen mixed veggies, thawed
2 hard boiled eggs, sliced (optional)
3/4 cup milk
2 T. flour
2 T. butter
1 tsp season salt
2 pie crusts
1 beaten egg + 2 T. water
Make a white sauce by melting butter and adding flour. Stir for 1-2 minutes but don’t let it burn. Add milk and stir while it thickens. Add ½ can of broth, seasoning , chicken, vegetables, and bard boiled eggs if you are using them.
Put chicken mixture in pan, place second pie crust (thawed) over top of pie. Pierce with a fork and brush with beaten egg. Bake at 350 degrees until crust is brown and filling is bubbly.

Terlingua Red Chili
2-3 Tbsp chili spice blend
2-1/2 lbs ground beef
8 oz can tomato sauce
2-3 cans beef broth
Worcestershire sauce
8-16 oz spaghetti, cooked
1 cup shredded cheddar cheese
chopped onions for garnish
Brown beef in a large pot. While browning the meat, add a couple of dashes of Worcestershire sauce. When beef is cooked drain off the fat. Put the meal back in the pot and add just enough water to cover the meat. Simmer beef in water until it is tender. Once the meat is tender, add a can of beef broth and the tomato sauce and bring to a boil. Add seasoning mix to tast and simmer for approximately ½ hour, stirring occasionally. Add beef broth as needed to keep desired consistency.
Serve over cooked pasta and sprinkle with cheese and onions.

Chili Spice Blend
7 Tbs chili powder
2 Tbsp cumin
1 tsp cayenne pepper
1 Tbsp garlic powder
3 Tbsp dried minced onion
1 tsp salt
Combine all ingredients in chili spice blend and store n a leftover container, empty spice bottle, or baggie.

Hash Brown Soup (7 points per 1 cup serving)
1 medium onion, sliced
6 cups water
6 chicken bouillon cubes
1 large (30 oz) bag frozen hash browns
1 can cream of celery soup
1 can cream of chicken soup
12 oz can evaporated milk
1 lb American cheese
Saute onion. Add water and bouillon, bring to a boil. Add hashbrowns, bring to a boil. Add soups (don’t dilute) and evaporated milk, bring to a boil. Add cheese. Heat until cheese melts. Optional serve with bacon bits on top.
This makes a lot! Great for a large family or those that love leftovers.

Heavenly Chicken Lasagna (20 WW points per 1/10 pan)
1 Tbsp butter
½ large onion, sauteed
1 can cream of chicken soup
1 (10 oz) container refrigerated Alfredo sauce
1 (7 oz) jar diced pimiento, undrained
1 (6 oz) jar sliced mushrooms, drained
1/3 cup dry white wine
½ tsp dried basil
1 (10 oz) pkg frozen chopped spinach, thawed
1 cup cottage cheese
1 cup ricotta cheese
½ cup grated Parmesan cheese
1 large egg, beaten
9 lasagna noodles, cooked
2-1/2 cups chopped cooked chicken
3 cups (12 oz) shredded sharp Cheddar cheese, divided
1. Melt butter in a skillet over medium-high heat. Add onion, and saute 5 minutes or until tender. Stir in soup and next 5 ingredients. Reserve 1 cup sauce.
2. Drain spinach well, pressing between layers of paper towels.
3. Stir together spinach, cottage cheese, and next 3 ingredients.
4. Place 3 lasagna noodles in a lightly greased 13x9 inch baking dish. Layer with half each of sauce, spinach mixture and chicken. Sprinkle with 1 cup Cheddar cheese. Repeat procedure. Top with remaining 3 noodles and reserved 1 cup sauce. Cover and chill up to 1 day ahead.
5. Bake at 350 degrees for 45 minutes. Sprinkle with remaining 1 cup Cheddar cheese, and bake 5 more minutes, or until cheese is melted. Let stand 10 minutes before serving.
Yield 8-10 servings.

Surprise Cheeseburger (10 WW points BEFORE condiments)
1 lb ground beef
1 egg
salt and pepper
6 slices American cheese
hamburger buns
lettuce leaves
tomato slices
onion slices
dill pickle slices
Mix ground beef with seasoning and egg. Fold each piece of cheese into fourths. Make 12 thin hamburger patties with the ground beef mixture and place one of the folded cheese slices on each of six patties. Cover the bottom patty and cheese with another patty and seal the edges so that the cheese is hidden inside. Make sure you get a good seal so that the cheese doesn’t drip out when you are grilling. Grill until well done and serve on buns with lettuce, tomatoes, onion, and condiments.

Chicken Marinade (1.5 WW points per serving)
4 lbs chicken parts of your choice
½ cup red wine
1 cup soy sauce
½ cup vegetable oil
2 tsp oregano
1 tsp basil
1 tsp garlic salt
½ pepper
Place marinade with chicken in a ziploc bag and marinate overnight.

Potato and Beef Pie (9 WW points per 1/10th 9x13 pan)
2-1/2 lbs potatoes, peeled and quartered
½ cup cold milk
1 lb ground beef, cooked and drained
1 medium onion, sauteed
1-1/2 cups shredded Cheddar cheese
garlic salt
bread crumbs
Boil potatoes until they are soft when pierced with a fork. Drain and place in a large bowl. Beat with a mixer on medium speed while adding milk. Do not over beat as you want them mashed but still a little lumpy.
Add garlic salt to the remaining potatoes. Divide them in half and put half in the bottom of a greased casserole dish. Evenly distribute meat mixture on top of potatoes and sprinkle cheese on top of meat. Spread the rest of the potatoes on top of the cheese sprinkle all with bread crumbs to cover and dot with butter pats. Bake at 350 degrees for 30 minutes.

Crazy Crust Pizza (4 WW points 1/15 of pizza, or if you double the crust ingredients for thicker crust 5 WW points per slice)
(from Amish Cooking)
1 cup flour
1 tsp salt
1 tsp oregano
1/8 tsp pepper
2 eggs
2/3 cup milk
3-4 cups mozarella cheese, grated
pizza sauce
Mix flour, salt, oregano, pepper, eggs and milk. Grease and flour cookie sheet with sides. Pour in batter and tilt pan to cover bottom. Arrange drained olives, mushrooms and pepperoni over batter. Bake at 400 degrees 20-25 minutes. Remove from oven. Drizzle on pizza sauce and cheese. Bake till cheese melts.

Momys Macaroni and Cheese (6 WW points per 1/10th pan)
(Adapted from Momys)
1-1/2 cups elbow macaroni
3 Tbsp butter
2 Tbsp all-purpose flour
½ tsp salt
2 cup milk
1 cup cheddar cheese
1 cup American cheese
½ cup bread crumbs
1 Tbsp butter
3/4 tsp garlic salt
Parmesan cheese
Cook elbow macaroni in boiling, salted water until tender; drain. Melt butter; blend in flour, salt and dash of pepper. Add milk; cook and stir until thick and bubbly. Add cheeses; stir until melted. Mix cheese sauce with macaroni. Put in casserole dish. In food processor blend topping ingredients until well blended. Sprinkle on top of casserole. Bake at 350 degrees for 35-40 minutes.

Thursday, July 14, 2005

Momys Macaroni and Cheese

This is a recipe I adapted from the Momys recipe module. I tweaked it just a bit and my husband said it is the best he has ever had!

1-1/2 cups elbow macaroni
3 Tbsp butter
2 Tbsp all-purpose flour
½ tsp salt
2 cup milk
1 cup cheddar cheese
1 cup American cheese
½ cup bread crumbs
1 Tbsp butter
3/4 tsp garlic salt
Parmesan cheese
Cook elbow macaroni in boiling, salted water until tender; drain. Melt butter; blend in flour, salt and dash of pepper. Add milk; cook and stir until thick and bubbly. Add cheeses; stir until melted. Mix cheese sauce with macaroni. Put in casserole dish. In food processor blend topping ingredients until well blended. Sprinkle on top of casserole. Bake at 350 degrees for 35-40 minutes.

Wednesday, July 13, 2005

Sewing Tip

I just finished making 3 matching summer dresses for my little girls. They came out really cute. I thought I would share a tip for marking the back of the dress (these are tie shoulder summer dresses, and it would be hard to figure the front from the back) and the size/owner. I had some sew in interfacing. I cut out clothing label size tags and wrote the girls names on them with permanent marker. Then I just added it to the back seam before I sewed the garment and when I turned it I tacked the bottom down with a row of stitches (I get bugged with tags always popping up). So now on wash day I can easily tell which dress belongs to which daughter. I know that tags can be purchased and sewn in, but I thought that this was much more frugal.

Starting Weight: 186
Current Weight: 187 (Okay, I am going to have to actually start dieting ;o)
Goal Weight: 135

Monday, July 11, 2005

Cloth Diapers

I have been changing diapers for almost 11 years now with no breaks in between. At one time I had 3 little ones in diapers at the same time! Currently I only have one in diapers and she won't be for much longer, sniff, sniff. Over the years I have used a whole lot of diapers. I have used disposable and cloth both. I have tried many kinds of cloth and have my own preferences. It's funny but cloth diapering isn't as simple as using disposables. I mean with disposables I would just buy the least expensive brand and that was that. But with cloth personal preference, ease of use, quality and cost all have a say in my decision. I will share some of my experiences with the types I've used.

Gerber diapers and velcro covers: Nonstop leaks and they don't last very well. I also never liked the scratches my little one would get on their legs or stomach.

Kushies: These are very convenient and easy to use, but they took forever to dry and they always leaked even the not formed bm's.

Fuzzi Bunz: These were fine, except the snaps always popped open and they would fall off. I have heard that they have fixed that problem and are using better snaps.

Chinese Prefolds: These were very absorbent, I pinned mine and had a very hard getting the pins through even though I kept a sharpening stone near the changing table and used it lots. I haven't heard anybody else with this problem, so maybe it is just me.

Bummis Snap Wraps: These were very nice, except that the snaps kept popping open. Also, with anything that contains polyester you need to be very careful because they tend to get smelly.

Kissaluvs: I loved these at first. And the newborn ones are the very best newborn diaper out there, I feel. But they were a low rise which wasn't very good for my babies when they messed their diapers. I also didn't feel that they would last very well, because they showed wear very quickly. But if you don't have a heavy wetter, you can not use a cover during the day because these are very absorbent.

Poo-Pockets: These I made and they worked very well. They contained messes and were a one-size diaper. The only thing I would add when making them is elastic on the back waist, because they liked to droop. But I used these so much that I totally wore them out, they were great!

Dappi Nylon Pants: These are so very durable and easily will make it through multiple children. They don't leak, aren't bulky and are very easy to use. The only drawback is if you are changing a messy diaper you have to pull them down over their legs and that can be a disaster if it is a really messy diaper. But through the years these have been a constant in our house. These are also very affordable.

Little Lambs All-in-One One-Size: This diaper is puffy and funny looking, but works fine during the day. At night it leaks, it's in the design. I like these diapers and currently have 8 that I use and wash every day, but I can say that each one is a little different. They also are showing more wear than I think is appropriate, and I don't think that I will buy them again. But they are fast drying and very easy to use.

MotherEase Airflow cover: I really like this cover! It is easy to use and washes well. I also have has NO leaks with it at all. If I have more babies I will definitely buy more of these, because the snaps stay put, it is trim like a pull on pant and it is easy to use.

MotherEase One-Size Diaper: I have just one of these, I was afraid to try it because on the polyester content. Well, I am glad I did. It works great! It is durable, and can be used from birth to 35 pounds. It is trim and doesn't leak at night with the airflow cover on top. I would definitely buy more in the future if I could afford it and needed them.

Little Lamb Hemp Wipes: These are great! I have 1 dozen and that is more than enough for my one in diapers. They are thick and a good size. These are a great price also.

Flat Square Diapers: I made some of these and I liked that they dried really fast and could be folded to fit any baby. These work well, but after all these years of diapers, I decided to change to something easier and not use snaps. I was tired of sticking myself, I never poked any of my babes, but I seemed to jab myself a lot.

So that is my experience with cloth diapers so far. Right now I am using a total of 9 diapers; 8 Little Lamb, and 1 MotherEase. This has been fine, but I hope to increase it by a couple in the next months so I don't have to wash EVERY day. I do still have my flat diapers and pins, but stubbornly I won't use them, LOL! I have become too spoiled!

Starting Weight: 186
Current Weight: 186
Goal Weight: 135


I normally suffer a degree of pain in my neck and back constantly, but yesterday and today I have been experiencing a LOT of pain in my back and neck. It has been awful and stressful. At times I wonder why? Why does the Lord allow me to suffer like this? Why do I have this pain which makes it hard for me to serve my family?

I don't know, but years earlier, I can honestly say that I didn't really understand others that were in chronic pain. I just thought they needed to deal with it and move on. I wasn't very compassionate. But now having suffered this I understand. When you are in chronic pain there are times that you cannot function the way that you want and need to. This affects you in many ways. You get discouraged because you can't do things and you are embarrassed knowing that others don't really understand and they judge you despite not wanting to. You are exhausted by simple things and that is frustrating. You tend to get crabby and you have to fight it constantly so that you can truly love your family.

But as I look at the Word and see Paul's life I can understand that the Lord does have a purpose in my suffering. Whether it is to keep me humble or for some other purpose, I can rejoice in knowing that He has a plan and He is in control.

Here are the verses that have blessed my heart today:

To keep me from becoming conceited because of these surpassingly great revelations, there was given me a thorn in my flesh, a messenger of Satan, to torment me. Three times I pleaded with the Lord to take it away from me. But he said to me, "My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness." Therefore I will boast all the more gladly about my weaknesses, so that Christ's power may rest on me. That is why, for Christ's sake, I delight in weaknesses, in insults, in hardships, in persecutions, in difficulties. For when I am weak, then I am strong. 2 Corinthians 12:7-10

So, I am not to the place where I rejoice in my weakness, I am still pleading with the Lord to take it from me, I know that He will bring me to a place of peace. And I know the direction I must choose if the Lord chooses to use me to reveal His power in my weakness.

So, there is a purpose in my suffering and in that I can rejoice. And my suffering turns my eyes to Him and helps me to keep my eyes on Him because He is where my help comes from.

Starting Weight: 186
Current Weight: 185
Goal Weight: 135

Sunday, July 10, 2005

Menu Planning

I have a system for planning menus that I have been working on. It is a really nice system. First of all there are many really nice websites that offer menus already planned with a shopping list for you ready to go, such as:

These are fantastic and a real time saver sometimes. But for myself I found that I wanted more. I wanted breakfast and lunch menus also. I also found that on a tight budget these menus were sometimes more pricey than I could afford. And sometimes the recipes were not something my family would eat and I would have to make substitutions. So I have come up with my own system that I would like to share.

  1. First I took a small 6x9 inch 3 ring binder. Then I made 26 tab dividers and labeled them Week 1, Week 2 etc., I made 26 because that would mean that each menu would not have to be repeated each year as each one is for two weeks. You of course could make however many you think are nessessary.
  2. Next I planned meals for each of breakfast, lunch and dinner. I also included snacks. For example I have list like this for breakfast: 1. Oatmeal (4), which means that we will eat oatmeal four times. I plan each meal that way until I have planned 14 menus for each meal. I do not list them in the order that we will eat them because I am a free spirit and like to have flexiblity. I just make a list of the planned breakfast, lunch, dinner and snacks available.
  3. Next I list EVERY item I will need to make this menu. Even if it is something I keep in stock I list it. Then I can just look through what is required and cross off the items that I have already.
  4. I then print the menu on one side of the paper and the ingredient list on the other side and place it into my binder.
  5. My next step is to type up any and all recipes needed for that menu and put them behind the tab with the list and shopping list. Now all I have to do is grab the one binder and I have what I need for all my meals.
  6. In the back I have a 6x9 manilla envelope that I store recipes that I want to try etc.
  7. I also plan leftover nights into my menu so that if we want to eat out or try something new there is flexibility.

It has really simplified things for me and as I finish making all of the menus things will be so much easier during mealtime.

Beginning Weight: 186

Current Weight: 185 (much better than yesterday)

Goal Weight: 135

Saturday, July 09, 2005

Baked Oatmeal (13 WW points for 1/10 pan)

6 cups quick cooking oats
1 cup sugar
1 cup packed brown sugar
2 tsp salt
1 tsp baking powder
2 cups milk
1 cup vegetable oil
4 eggs, slightly beaten

In a large bowl, combine all ingredients. Pour into a greased 13x9x2" baking dish. Bake uncovered at 350 degrees for 30-40 minutes or until set and slightly browned. Serve with additional milk.
*To make it even easier to prepare, mix up the dry ingredients and store in ziplock bags until ready to use. Then just add the milk, oil and eggs; pour into a pan and bake.


Let the Battle Begin

I think that they built my house on an ant metropolis. I mean I am not talking about your normal ant colony, I am talking New York City and Los Angelos put together. Each summer the battle begins again. The ants try to move in and I bring out whatever secret weapon I have purchased to wage war with for the year. This year I tried Terro ant killer. I bought a bag of the granules to sprinkle around my home and a few of the bait house thingies. I smugly sprinkled the killer around the perimeter of our home giving extra attention to the known entry points where most of our skirmishes take place. I was sure that I had outsmarted them this year, I just knew that this year would be different.

Well, ummm, I went into the kitchen/laundry room to load my washing machine with the laundry that my family had thoughtfully thrown on the floor in front of the machine and discovered that those ants had made it past my defenses! What, oh what, can I use to retaliate with? Normally I place some Raid little white house thingies (don't mean to get technical here) in strategic locations and that keeps the little buggers back, but this year I didn't because I had heard that Terro is a wonder. Well, apparently my ants were prepared for this weapon because they have navigated through it easily. So, now I need to get some more ammo.

There are times that I grow weary of this annual battle and I want to give up. But then I remember why I am doing it, to protect my family from sitting on the floor and reaching to scratch their leg and getting an ant instead and then having to do the heebie-jeebie dance. I mean that is important. I must stand firm in my defense of our home. So, I am off to the store to get more ammunition against the enemy that is trying to make my family dance, they won't win this year.

beginning Weight: 186
Current Weight: 187 (better than yesterday)
Goal Weight: 135

Friday, July 08, 2005

Being Thankful

Be joyful always; pray continually; give thanks in all circumstances, for this is God's will for you in Christ Jesus. 1 Thessalonians 5:16-18
That is such a great verse! It offers so much for us on how we are to live daily. I mean can I say I am joyful always, (I wish)? With six children and slim finances I totally understand praying continuously, but I know that I still should be in prayer more. But what about giving thanks in all circumstances?
Really all three work together. When we are in prayer continually then we can give thanks in all circumstances because we know that God is in control of everything and we can rest in Him. Then we will be joyful always because of the peace we have in Him.
Right now I am thinking in particular about being thankful in everything. This is something I struggle with. My tendency is to think, why me? Like for example, when I am changing another poopy diaper and I want to grumble and complain because honestly it's messy and gross. But I need to be thankful in everything. Instead of thinking to myself, "why does she have to poop so much?", I can think, "thank you Lord that her body is functioning properly and she is healthy and I am physically able to take care of this need for her." Or, when my husband is cranky and doesn't feel well and I am having to be alone and not enjoy his company I can be thankful even in this. Instead of focusing on my hurt feelings and how miserable I am I can turn to the Lord and pray for my husband to feel better and then be thankful that the Lord has heard my prayer. I can be thankful that I am feeling well and I can offer him comfort such as a well timed massage or some other special thing to help him to relax and feel better. And in turn I can be joyful.
So many times I can relate to the Israelites in the desert and how they seemed to continually forget how God has cared for them and what the Lord desired of them. I struggle with letting my emotions rule me and I need to be constantly in prayer to keep a correct focus.
So, today I want to be in constant prayer, be thankful of the Lord's goodness and gifts, and be joyful because of the incredible peace that only God can give!
Enter His gates with thanksgiving and His courts with praise; give thanks to Him and praise His name. For the Lord is good and His love endures forever; His faithfulness continues through all generations. Psalm 100:4,5
Start Weight: 186
Current Weight: 188 (better than yesterday)
Goal Weight: 135

Thursday, July 07, 2005


My dh just called and said that he doesn't have to work! I am so excited, I just love having him home and spending time with him. I guess that is why I married him .

Odds and Ends

Today I feel terrible. I went up from 184 to 189 and it is not from eating anything extra. My head feels funny today and I am battling headaches and nausea. So, from this I assume that my added weight is from water retention. I am trying to drink water to flush it out, but it just seems to be sticking with me I don't get it. If you think of me please say a prayer that I can change my eating habits and feel better, heart problems are very strong in my family and I don't want to follow along those steps.

Because of the 4th of July, my dh might have to work tomorrow instead of having it off like he normally would (he works 4 ten hour shifts). I hope not though because I love having him home with us.

I was looking at the tire treads on my dh's car last night (it is one of our faith-mobiles) and they are really thin, so I am going to try to get the money saved up to buy new tires in the next couple of months.

As we are starting our new creditcard-less way of life I realize what a faith-walk it is. Before if we needed tires or anything we would just pull out our magic plastic card and I would pretend that we would pay it off when the bill came, ha-ha! But now as we are trying to take care of life's needs and NOT use any credit, it takes a lot of trust in the Lord to provide for us. As yet we haven't been able to actually save anything, the children needed summer clothes and we had a couple ER visits etc. So I tend to want to get discouraged. I just try to remind myself that even though we don't yet have any savings, we aren't racking up debt either. And God is so good! He takes care of us and guides us through each day!

Start Weight: 186
Current Weight: 189 (ouch!)
Goal Weight: 135

Monday, July 04, 2005

Lack of Planning or Our Crazy Day

Planning is so important and it really does matter to have things prepared and not just wing it. Let me give an example of what happens when a large family decides to just wing it and Mom is not really prepared:

This past weekend we decided to have a fun family day. My oldest daughter (5) needed to get her shots because somehow she was behind. So we decided to go to the park that we got married in and go hiking early in the morning before we needed to be at the doctor.

So, I get up and putter around and make breakfast. I slowly get everyone up and we get dressed and out the door, but not quite early enough. We of course don't realize that we don't have enough time to hike until we have gotten into town (40 miles from home). Hmmm, what should we do now? We decide to go to Savers Thrift Store and have some fun and go to a petting zoo park after the shots.

So, we are shopping around and find all kinds of great stuff. Dh goes off to the restroom and we are getting ready to leave. Moses, my 9 year old tries out a piece of exercise equipment (with my permission, I feel so terrible) and ends up knocking his chin on the hard floor. His chin pops open and we need to take him to the ER. He was such a trooper as we headed over to the hospital (we didn't buy any of the things we found, it just wasn't fun anymore). We get him there and after 30 minutes of waiting they take him in to get fixed up. Dh has taken all of the children except the baby and Moses to the Pediatrician for Chloe's shots (the SWEET man). They glue him back together and give him the "squirt gun" that they used to clean out his owie, he is happy that he has a new cool toy.

Okay, this day isn't turning out real great, but we are NOT giving up. We are going to have some fun! We go and get lunch at a restaraunt which is a real treat and try not to let our eyes bulge when we get the check. Next we decide to skip the petting zoo (costs) and go on a nice nature walk. We walk far and get hot and sweaty, were having fun now! So, we need to cool off, we get the fabulous idea to go shopping at Walmart. We go and get the items we need and really enjoy the air-conditioning. After that I decide that we should get some craft supplies at Michael's so that we can have fun on this long weekend. DH and children stay in the car while I zip in to get some things, they leave the car running with the a/c on. I come out of the store and discover that something has leaked all over the place out of our van, uh-oh what now?

DH checks it out and discovers that it leaked out transmission fluid, so we drive back to Walmart and I run in and get some more transmission fluid and a funnel. We pour the fluid into the funnel bottle and it drips all over the place, I got the one with the leak! Quick thinking woman that I am I run and grab one of our few remaining disposable diapers and use it to hold the bottle, problem solved! We add the fluid and get in the van and drive the 50 miles from Walmart to home. Boy did we have a fun day! We should do it more often .

But, God is so good! He got us home and we had the leak when we were able to take care of it. And I realize that our day could have been so much better if I had done pre-planning. I could have had things ready the night before so we could have gotten off earlier and I am telling you that next time I will! And Moses is doing really well, that glue is great!

I said that I would post my weight progress, so here goes:

Start Weight: 186
Current Weight: 184
Goal Weight: 135